Author Guidelines

The features and format required for the article to be published are as follows:

Original Research Article: The journal publishes original research articles, critical reviews of recent research articles with significant research results and technical notes in related areas and their applications. Original research article should include Title, Abstract, Method(s) and Materials, Results, Discussions, Conclusion, Suggestions, Acknowledgements and References.

Submission: Journal of Management, Economics, and Industrial Organization receives all manuscript online through, only. Therefore, manuscripts must be submitted via the journal's online submission system. Our Manuscript system allows for rapid submission of original and revised manuscripts, as well as facilitating the review process and internal communication between authors, editors and reviewers via a web-based platform. Once you have prepared your manuscript according to the journal instructions please visit the onlıne submission system. 

Papers that are submitted to the JOMEINO for publication should not be under review at other journals (see Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice). Submission of a manuscripts indicates that it reports unpublished work and that is not under active consideration for publication elsewhere, nor been accepted for publication, nor been published previously (except in abstract form).

Format: Manuscripts should be supplied in the following format: Times New Roman font, 12-point type, and 1.5 spaced. Allow margins of at least one inch (3 cm) on all sides of the typed pages. Number all manuscript pages consecutively. Manuscripts are not to exceed 16 pages, plus tables and figures for a total of 30 pages. Equations and symbols should be typed as well.

Language: Manuscripts should be in English. All the issues have been published in English. The manuscripts submitted to the journal should have a plain and clear language quality and should comply with the scientific literature and language rules. Manuscripts should be written in a fluent language away foreign words. During the review process for the manuscript submitted to Journal of Management, Economics, and Industrial Organization, the editorial board may request language editing.

Title: The title of the article should reflect the content clearly and be comprehensive. The title must be as brief as possible, 6 to 10 words.

Affiliation: On the title page, include full names of authors, positions, academic and/or other professional affiliations, and e-mail address of the author to whom proofs and correspondence should be sent. Authors are also requested to add their ORCID numbers.

Corresponding Author(s): Articles will be published with a correspondence email for the corresponding author. 

Abstract: Abstract should not be more than 250 words. Avoid abbreviations, diagrams, and reference to the text.

Keywords: Authors must supply 3-5 alphabetized keywords or phrases that identify the most important subjects covered by the paper.

Jel Classification Code : Authors must add Jel Classification Code.

Introduction: The basis of the research topic, summary related with the parts of the study, the significance of the subject in the academic literature, the importance of the study, research problem and aims should be explained in a detailed fashion in the introduction.

Subtitles: Subtitles should be numbered consecutively ( 1., 1.1., 1.2, 2., 2.1., 2.2. etc.).

Method: The type, research group, data collection tools, validity and reliability, data collection techniques, data analysis, limitations and ethical committee approval (if necessary) of the research should be explained exhaustively.

Results: The results of the study should be explained with tables, diagrams, graphics or pictures in a way that supports the aim(s) and problem(s) of the study.

Discussions: In the light of the importance of the study, the results should be discussed referring to literature and author(s) opinions.

Conclusion: In the conclusion, the main ideas driven from the discussions should be explained.

Suggestions: Suggestions that are suitable for the discussion and results of the study must be made. In addition, suggestions that can contribute to the literature and are related with future studies and applications in the field must be included.

Tables and Figures: Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively. Tables and figures are recommended for highest quality reproduction. Tables and figures should be presented within the article, not at the end of the study. The article will be published in black and white (print), although online version will contain the colorful figures (if any). However, the color print will be available in extreme cases as per the request of the author.

Acknowledgments/Declarations: Acknowledgements/declarations indicate at the end of the text before references any conflict of interest. This includes ownership of shares, consultancy, speaker's honoraria or research grants from public or private institutions with an interest in the topic of the paper. Acknowledgements/declarations must be complete and correct at the time of submission. Additions or deletions cannot be made at the proof stage. If the corresponding author wishes to add or delete sponsoring institutions or persons the paper must be withdrawn, corrected, and resubmitted for review.

References: Citations in the text are by author(s) and date in parentheses. References should be listed at the end of the main text. References should be arranged alphabetically and must conform to the APA Style. Please visit to learn more about APA style. Use of DOI of references is highly encouraged.

Appendices: Additional tables, graphics and pictures should be given on a separate page after the references. Each appendix should be numbered as Appendix 1, Appendix 2, … and each appendix should have a separate title.

Permission: Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyrighted material from other sources.

Page Proofs: All proofs must be corrected and returned to the publisher within 48 hours of receipt. If corrections are not returned within the allotted time, the Editor will proofread the article and it will be printed per his instruction. Only correction of typographical errors is permitted.

Manuscript Inquiries: If there are any questions about a manuscript, the Editor Office will only respond to written correspondence from the corresponding author of record. All inquiries from co-authors should go through the corresponding author. If you have any queries please contact the journal's Editorial Office:

Requests or Complaints: If authors consider that a decision of rejection was incorrectly made, they can appeal the decision. To appeal a decision the authors should email the Editor-in-Chief stating why they think the decision was wrong. The appeal will be considered by a member of the Editorial Board who was not involved in the original decision.

If an author has a complaint against the journal or editors, s/he should contact directly to the Editor-in-Chief in the first instance. Where a resolution is not satisfactory it will be passed to the management of UKEY Consulting & Publishing Ltd for resolution.

If you have any other requests or complaints please contact the journal's Editorial Office: