The effect of a psychological capital on employee performance through quality of work life

Maretta Tri Irvayanti, Sopiah Sopiah
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Change of environment and technology that occurs in the era of globalization. Force organization to adapt more rapid which would survive in global competition. Therefore, superior human resources are needed that are equipped with psychological capital and good performance. The research plans to determine the impact of psychological capital on employee performance through quality of work life. The object of this analysis is 110 respondents as the representative employee from PG Krebet Baru with purposive sampling. This research uses the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Model (SEM-PLS). Research has found that psychological capital affects positive employee performance and quality of work life. Then, the quality of work life acts as a partial mediation between psychological capital on employee performance.
Psychological capital, Employee performance, Quality of work life, Human resources.
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